
Wicknvape Cotton Bacon Prime Organic Cotton

Wicknvape Cotton Bacon Prime was developed specifically with RTAs, RDTAs, and squonking in mind. Cotton Bacon Prime uses a different strain of cotton that has naturally thicker fibers.

Reference 000164
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Cotton Bacon Prime Organic Cotton | High quality cotton by Wicknvape

Wicknvape Cotton Bacon Prime was developed specifically with RTAs, RDTAs, and squonking in mind. Cotton Bacon Prime uses a different strain of cotton that has naturally thicker fibers. These thicker fibers allow the cotton to absorb liquid at least 33% faster, that means no dry hits and no break in time. It’s tasteless, free of impurities, natural oils, and pesticides.

Wicknvape Cotton Bacon Prime

Ideal for Squonk atomizers.

Cotton Bacon Prime is made of organic cotton grown in the United States of America.

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